Professor Taichi Inoue began his study of Ikenobo Ikebana in 1999, and in 2013 he completed the Advanced Course of the Ikenobo Central Training Institute at Ikenobo Headquarters in Kyoto. He has since completed the Special Advanced Courses in Rikka and Classic Rikka at the institute. Professor Inoue taught lessons for beginners at Ikenobo's Tokyo Office from April 2014 for one year and is currently taking the Special Advanced Course in Free Style and the Technical Seminar in Rikka.
Day 1 :
AM and PM Sessions -Integrated Shoka Shofutai Curriculum
Day 2 :
AM Session - Shoka Shofutai Mazeike
PM Session - Free Style Using Black and White Container Emphasizing Lines
Shoka shofutai example of Hongatte on left and Gyokugatte on right.
"Maze" means mix and "ike" is arrange. Mazeike is usually done with seasonal fall materials such as grass and balloon flowers in Japan.
Professor Inoue's Free Style arrangement. Choose your favorite flower element and all the other materials used should enhance it.